Thursday, May 24, 2012

Maria’s Digital Workspace Portrait

Hi all,

I’m one of those people who is extremely organized and a self-proclaimed "queen" of time management. I view graduate school very much like an 8-5 job and because I have no young children (only dogs that act like them at points and a husband that can normally manage on his own) you’ll find me at my workspaces generally during normal working hours. However, once 5 o’clock hits, I’m pretty much packing stuff up and prepping dinner (5pm-11pm I find to be the worst and least productive times to work).

Working at MSU's Writing Center.
So because of my need to have a schedule and a plan, my digital workspaces don’t differ too often. On Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, my computer and digital world is traditionally up and running at MSU’s Writing Center. Here, I work as a consultant and spend my free-time working on projects and reading for this class.

On Thursday’s and Friday’s though I pack up my life in Lansing and move it to Grand Rapids, MI (this is what I consider to be home base). On days when I like to look at the window and casually work, I make camp at my dining room table. Working for the table, I have an awesome view of my backyard and space for the dogs to play.
Working digitally at my dining room table.

View from my dining room table.
My dog, Stella, protecting me from the squirrels outside.

However, when I need to really focus and concentrate you’ll find me upstairs in my guest bedroom/office. Here, I can shut the door and stare into a corner (this is where I spent most of my life during final exam week).
Working, focusing, concentrating upstairs at my desk without a view.

And on the off chance that I just need to catch up on some emails, I sit on my patio enjoying the breeze and warm summer sun. All these workspaces assist my different concentration and work needs. And I am grateful that WIFI now exists so that wherever my computer goes, my digital workspace can be easily created!

Summer living and summer working!

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