It was very interesting to read, on p. 46, about the early software and writing tools that changed the way people wrote. I was very interested to read about the specific programs that were used (“Bankstreet writer, Applewriter and Writer’s helper”). Of course I immediately tried to find more information on these tools- I tried to download AppleWriter onto my computer from The Apple 2 Lost Classics Project at Downloading it didn't work (what is a .shk? Perhaps my computer isn't old enough to be compatible, although this is probably surprising to all of you who have seen my computer!)
When searching for Bank Street Writer, I found this on Amazon:, which I thought was hilarious. I personally have never known any other collaborative writing tools other than gooledocs. It was interesting to learn that there was an online collaborative space called Writely created in 2006. I had never heard of Writely before.
On page 53, the description of the electronic
portfolio- this part reminded me that I should be doing things like electronic portfolios in my classroom, with my students. Of course I have my own electronic portfolio, for my Committee and annual review (see photo, or and for a general online representation of myself and my scholarship. Why shouldn’t I teach my students to do the same?This idea has radically changed my ideas for students’ Final Project in my first year writing courses. For the WRA 110 hybrid course I am designing, I think that the final project will now be some sort of portfolio, or at least an option for students to create a portfolio.The fact that I have not done portfolios to this point is particularly embarrassing for me as a teacher to admit because one of the main aspects of my teaching philosophy is that all of my students’ writing assignments and assessments should be practical- that is, every assignment should contribute to their area of academic inquiry and help them to become a better writer in their particular discipline. Sometimes we miss the most obvious things when teaching!
Writely was acquired by Google and became GoogleDocs!