1. There were 6 students so we would move groups around and divide the class into 4 and see how they would interact.
- We could see that there were some leaders in the group and with it being such a large group there were many students with side conversations that were not involved in the discussions.
2. We then broke the class up into groups of 4 which had a great mix of domestic and foreign students along with a great range of ages.
- This made the students work more closely and took away the side chatter. This also made each student accountable for their group.
3. We had the normal 5-10 students who would ask and answer questions to the instructors and speakers so we pressed on others to join in and offer their ideas.
- Once they spoke up in front of the group they felt more comfortable asking more questions and giving suggestions.
4. We did an online poll for projects so that the students could share their opinions on the current assignments, speakers, and future assignments.
- This gave them part ownership of the class and made them feel more comfortable.
5. Technology played a huge role with interaction and every student had to join Twitter and Linkedin so we could send messages out to them via social media.
- Although some were reluctant in the beginning, by the end of the semester they were happy they joined once they learned how to use these tools correctly and efficiently.
6. We tried to make some interaction on smartphones with texting but we could mark this up as a fail.
-We assumed that most, if not all students had smartphones and it was not the case in this class.
It would be interesting to hear what your learning goals associated with the smartphone activities, Paul...perhaps there are technologies that could have facilitated those w/o requiring SP's? E.g. perhaps an SMS gateway service could have allowed folks using even basic cell phones to do some things?