Ok, I do have an office at MSU but it is not where I spend the majority of the time as it is just a parking spot. It is located in 181 Communication Arts and Sciences and is called "Club 181". It was named that before I started and I have to explain to the students that there is no fee for the club and we don't dance in there. The faculty/staff was trying to make "The Club" hip with the name but it sounds pretty cheesy to me. Club 181 is a great space for students to drop in and use the 3 new IMacs we just bought and free use of our printer. This is also a great space to learn about internships and to get you prepared for a job and can work with you on your resume, interviewing, etc.
My Main Office
The place that you can usually find me is in any coffee shop where I am having a meeting which will be locally or somewhere around the US. I feel that I do my best work where I can find some free WIFI and a great cup of Joe. A huge part of my position is networking so I am always listening in the coffee shops to see if I can grab a card and a new connection.

My 3rd Workspace
One of the best places that I work in late at night is my office at home. This is a great place and time to put the kids to bed (Raygen 5, Trenton 2), put on some tunes, and get some serious work done. I feel more comfortable in this spot because of the lack of interruptions. In my main office on campus I can be working on a project and can be easily swayed by something going on in the hallway or students coming in and out.

My Technology
I am a PC user and have had some experiences with Macs but seem to get lost when it comes to design or no right click button. I also use my phone a ton which is an Android phone. I may be looking to upgrade to an Iphone but want to wait until Iphone5 comes out. When I am not writing I am usually on my Ipad which I do have the Ipad 2 that I purchased in Texas at the SXSW conference.
What I do all day
If I am not meeting with a company or in a meeting about technologies or one of my boards I am on the computer using Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. The main one I use is Linkedin to make contacts for the students.
I hope this gives you a great overview of my workspaces.
Viva coffee shops!