Thursday, August 9, 2012

"My Closet" App

If I could design/build an app, it would be the "My Closet" app. Now I am aware that this app may seem superficial, but I swear, it would be a life-saver. As a graduate TA, my schedule is forever overbooked. As an undergrad, it was completely acceptable to stroll to class in sweat pants after only getting a few hours of sleep. As a TA, I still get to relive the getting no sleep part, but when it comes time to head to class in the morning, sweat pants just won't cut it. And, I won't lie, there have been days where I've spent more time trying to find the right outfit to wear to class than I did making that day's lesson (likely because sleep deprivation prevented me from making a quick decision). I also am guilty of having a closet full of clothes but wearing the more or less the same thing day after day.

So the "My Closet" app would be an application that knows every article of clothing in your wardrobe, and would help you efficiently pick out an outfit. I picture it working like a sideways slot machine, with a bar for SHOES, BOTTOMS, TOPS, and ACCESSORIES. There could either be a "shuffle" button, where all of the bars would spin and provide a completely random outfit, or you could select, say, a certain pair of pants, and then randomize the other categories, etc.

I would have this app be tied into a local weather app, so even before beginning to build an outfit, the app could automatically eliminate the articles of clothing that would be inappropriate that day.

For each person to customize their My Closet app, they would have to "upload" each article of clothing. This would include taking a picture, and then filling out a questionnaire about each piece. The questionnaire would be the key component in the apps ability to "randomly" build outfits that are actually wearable.
Sample questions:
Shoes, bottom, top, or accessory?
Good for snow, yes or no?
Good for rain, yes or no?
Bright, bold, subtle, or neutral in color?

This app would definitely save time getting ready in the morning. It would eliminate the need to try on different outfits before finally deciding because you would do all of the "trying on" digitally, and then once an outfit is finalized, you grab those specific articles of clothing out of the closet and be on your way. Imagine the multitasking possibilities this app would afford! I picture myself clicking "shuffle" over and over while brushing my teeth, or eating a bagel, waiting for the right outfit to present itself. It also has the possibility of putting an outfit together than you may never have thought of on your own.

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