Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let’s Be Friends? The Affordances & Disaffordances of Facebook as an Online Educational Tool

Facebook is one of those tools that many educators cringe at using in the classroom. As a social media network, the idea of incorporating students private lives and friendships into the sometimes stale classroom can be worrisome. Professors may feel that by asking students to connect and use Facebook is an invitation to have them enter (and I quote Bill here) “the professors creepy tree house”. But once getting over these initial fears, professors and students can find several affordances of incorporating Facebook into the classroom. While no doubt some disaffordances exist and some professors may opt to use a different online system such as or, the vast literacy students (and most professors) have with Facebook makes it an arguable tool to use over other sites.

But before I get on my soapbox proclaiming the wonders of Facebook, let’s take a look at some of its disaffordances. (For I too was once a teacher who looked at the inclusion of Facebook in my course with skeptical eyes.)

Disaffordances (And Then A Critique of the Disaffordances)

“The Creep Professor Syndrome”- As I briefly mentioned above, asking students to join a Facebook group can feel at times like the professor is asking students to join a secret group. More importantly, since it is the professor asking them to join the group students may feel pressured to join and feel as if their private world of Facebook is being put under-siege by an academic outsider who ultimately controls their grade.

While I recognize this concern, a way to avoid feeling like a “creepy” professor is by asking students if they would like a Facebook page. Doing so, places the tool as an option and not as a mandatory site. From my experience, nearly every student finds using Facebook in the classroom is a great idea. Now, I recognize this reaction may be due to my age and gender, but with the frequency students visit Facebook I would put money that most students no matter what the age or gender of the professor would most likely respond positively to using Facebook.

Privacy Issues- This goes slightly hand-in-hand with the “Creepy Professor Syndrome” but no doubt is an issue. Facebook changes frequently and as such so does their privacy settings. This can often times release information that is intended to be private into a very very public world. Thus, there are legitimate concerns about privacy settings with Facebook. Additionally, some fear that Facebook may violate FERPA, which protects student’s privacy and rights in educational settings.

While these are legitimate concerns, there are solutions to working around privacy issues. Yes, Facebook changes quickly and so does the privacy settings. But so does all technology. My argument is that if you plan on incorporating technology into the classroom then you are also signing up to continually educate yourself and keep on speed with the technology that you are using. Yes, that takes more time and, at points, can be very frustrating. But it is a reality that is hard to escape.

Additionally, Facebook can be used in a way that does not require the student and the teacher become “friends”. Instead, you can create a class group where you as well as the students can post information, documents, updates, and create events. This group can be protected either as a “secret” group where no one can see the group or a “closed” group where all members must be approved to join. This avoids non-students or pesky members to join the group and create external class distractions. Creating a group then avoids teachers feeling the need to “friend” their students or students needing to “friend” their teachers. Instead, the group becomes an external meeting space for teachers and students to use for classroom purposes.

Finally, the issue of FERPA is a serious one. However, make the Facebook group and use optional. Doing so should release teachers any penalties of violating FERPA laws. Additionally, it places less pressure on the students and teachers – avoiding feelings of joining an unwanted group or site.

Access- This disaffordance is an issue though I would like to argue one that is subsiding. Yes, access is always an issue especially with the digital divide. However, teaching in higher education settings I believe minimizes issues of access. Once students enter college-level courses, most (if not all) universities expect students to have access to the Internet in some form or another. For example, MSU as an institution mandates that freshman have a laptop once they begin courses. But this is talking about technology in general. Let’s get back to Facebook and access. If you are thinking about incorporating Facebook into your class, I encourage you to take a quick poll in your class to see how many of your students use Facebook. From my experience teaching at MSU, the numbers are near 99% if not 100%. These college-level students have Facebook and use it often (even during your lecture in class). Now there may be some students who simply don’t have it or don’t want to use it, and this is a legitimate access issue. However, by making the Facebook tool optional and not mandatory avoids issues of access. Instead, it simply becomes an extra tool to use. In my own class, I make it policy that whatever I post to the Facebook page I will also send out in an email to the whole class. This then ensures that students will always have access to class information.

Distractions- This relates a little to access as well. Many students, especially college students, are using Facebook in class, on their phones, at work. It is everywhere. As such, some professors may argue that by incorporating Facebook into the classroom then encourages more distractions as they are teaching. However, my counterargument to that is these students would be using Facebook no matter what during class. Therefore, why not create a Facebook space for these students to use during (and outside) of class time? We live in a digital world where distractions can no longer be fought against. It is simply part of our everyday nature, simply look at the number of tabs you have open on your computer screen right now. (I have 13 open right now and it is only 9:30am!) Therefore, instead of wasting time in class trying to fight against the distractions of online worlds, we should attempt to try and incorporate them into our classroom spaces. Doing so may allow students to continue to feel a weird comfort level of being distracted but being connected to the class at the same time. Instead of looking at photos of their friends at a party over the weekend on Facebook, they can be looking at a new class prompt or discussion question posted to the Facebook page as lecture is going on. In a world filled with distractions, it is something to legitimately think about.

This now brings me to a set of affordances. Yes, I have tried to counter all of the claims that are disaffordances to Facebook and now will attempt to convince of the multitude of affordances.

Ditch Angel/D2L/Blackboard – Many professors and students find it hard to actually want to use a non-customizable system like Angel, D2L or Blackboard. The mobility of the sites are stiff, unfriendly, and out-of-date. To paraphrase Neal, it is very much like having an old kitchen where no one wants nor is inspired to cook. This is why Facebook as a tool is unique as it allows students and teachers to pretty much ditch the system! On Facebook, course updates can be posted (like emails), documents such as readings and worksheets can be uploaded, student discussions can occur, class chats too, as well as editing of documents. Further, unlike other systems, all class activity on the page is recorded and becomes a class log to an extent for teachers and students to reference throughout the course. In a way, the page contains “live notes” that constantly live, change and stored for reference.

As a teacher using Facebook, this is the largest affordance. No longer do I need to login to Angel, direct myself to the email tab, select students I want to email, compose the email, and then send the email. Instead with Facebook, all that is needed is the ability to login to the site, post an update and I’m done!

Updates- A great feature of Facebook is that it automatically updates all members of the group. When a student posts material or a question on the page, immediately I am sent an email and am directed to that post. The same works if the teacher posts anything. Students will receive an email and be directed to the teacher’s post. Personally, I find this feature to be quite beneficial because it ensures that I am constantly connected to the actions of the page. This then minimizes inappropriate use of the site as well as offers an immediate connection. This I find important especially for an online course where it can be easy for teachers and students to check out. With updates linked to email and available on the Facebook page, checking out simply is not an option.

Limit Email – The affordance of updates works to limit the amount of email the teacher must respond to. Now, you probably ask yourself, how is this possible if I am getting email updates from the page? Well, the reason is that often times while you receive those updates you do not need to respond to them.  Here is an example of how students use the Facebook page and how the site helps to “decenter the classroom”.  Jerry asks, “Can anyone tell me how to post stuff to the blog?” Samantha responds, “Go to our pages dashboard then find ‘posts’ and then ‘new post’”. She adds later on in the night “message me if you are still confused”. Here the teacher received email updates of such activity occurring on the page. However, since the activity took place at 9:30pm when the teacher was no longer checking student emails, the students themselves where able to provide correct information and appropriately direct the student to the correct page. As such, in the morning, the teacher only needed to login to Facebook, see the post and the response in order to ensure proper direction was given. In this instance, Samantha not only correctly directed the student but also extended herself to act as the teacher in this instance. Such an affordance is unique to Facebook as a tool and one of the primary reasons why I use it in my courses. (Please note, student names were changed in order to ensure privacy.)

Mobile – A final affordance is that Facebook can and often is used on mobile devices. This allows teachers to post updates directly from their phone instead of hauling out a laptop or logging into Angel to find email addresses. Instead, class updates are available at teacher and student fingertips. Again, this limits the amount of time students and teachers need to spend to simply ask a question or post a response. And for writing teachers especially who need to grade numerous papers and of which the time to do so is incredibly tedious, using Facebook as a tool to minimize basic class management is something very appealing.  

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